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Under a violet moon

发表于 2008-7-8 19:57:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<P>Under A Violet Moon <BR>在紫罗兰色的月光下 <BR><BR>Dancing to the feel of the drum <BR>随着鼓声起舞 <BR>Leave this world behind <BR>把世界抛在脑后 <BR>We’ll have a drink and toast to ourselves <BR>让我们畅饮,为自己干杯 <BR>Under a Violet Moon <BR>在这紫罗兰色的月光下 <BR><BR>Tudor Rose with her hair in curls <BR>她卷发上的那朵玫瑰 <BR>Will make you turn and stare <BR>吸引你转身凝视 <BR>Try to steal a kiss at the bridge <BR>想在桥上偷吻她 <BR>Under a Violet Moon <BR>在这紫罗兰色的月光下 <BR><BR>Raise your hats and your glasses too <BR>举起你们的帽子和酒杯吧 <BR>We will dance the whole night through <BR>让我们彻夜狂舞 <BR>We’re going back to a time we knew <BR>我们又回到了往日的时光 <BR>Under a Violet Moon <BR>在这紫罗兰色的月光下 <BR><BR>Cheers to the Knights and days of old <BR>为骑士们和古老的岁月干杯 <BR>the beggars and the thieves <BR>为住在魔法森林的 <BR>living in an enchanted wood <BR>乞丐和小偷干杯 <BR>Under a Violet Moon <BR>在这紫罗兰色的月光下 <BR><BR>Fortuneteller what do you see <BR>占卜师,你看到了什么 <BR>Future in a card <BR>在纸牌预示的未来里 <BR>Share your secrets, tell them to me <BR>告诉我吧,让我分享你的秘密 <BR>Under a Violet Moon <BR>在这紫罗兰色的月光下 <BR><BR>(repeat) <BR>Raise your hats and your glasses too <BR>We will dance the whole night through <BR>We’re going back to a time we knew <BR>Under a Violet Moon <BR><BR>Close your eyes and lose yourself <BR>闭上双眼 <BR>In a medieval mood <BR>迷失在中世纪的氛围里 <BR>Taste the treasures and sing the tunes <BR>品味这些珍宝,轻唱歌谣 <BR>Under a Violet Moon <BR>在这紫罗兰色的月光下 <BR><BR>This my delight on a shiny night <BR>明亮的夜晚我满怀喜悦 <BR>The season of the year <BR>这是一年中的丰收季节 <BR>To keep the lanterns burning bright <BR>让灯笼高高燃起,照亮四方 <BR>Under a Violet Moon <BR>在这紫罗兰色的月光下 <BR><BR>(repeat) <BR>Raise your hats and your glasses too <BR>We will dance the whole night through <BR>We’re going back to a time we knew <BR>Under a Violet Moon</CA></P>


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