标题: tears.眼泪不必说话 [打印本页] 作者: 宵衣 时间: 2008-10-1 08:43 标题: tears.眼泪不必说话 <P>http://heyhenry.net/mp3/tears.mp3</P>
<P> tears </P>
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<P><A href="http://mp3.baidu.com/albumlist/crystal+kay;;;;;;crystal+style.html" target=_blank>crystal style</A> </P>
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<P>シャツで涙を拭く埋めた この顔をあげたら<BR>そこには二度とは 戻れないことは 誰よりもそう私がわかってる<BR> <WBR><BR>Still I don’t forget your love<BR>いつかどこかで偶然に 逢えたならそのとこは笑えるように<BR>till I can forget your love<BR>いまはとてもせつないけど 乗り越えていける 迷いながらきっと<BR> <WBR><BR>小さなバイク家まで続く路 ふたり押してくけれど<BR>今日は途中までで 送らないでいい もう一度ただ最後に抱きしめて<BR> <WBR><BR>Still I don’t forget your love<BR>いつかどこかで偶然に 出会えたらもう一度愛せるように<BR>till I can forget your love<BR>いまはとても苦しいけど 後悔してない 君と会えたこと<BR> <WBR><BR>時を越えてずっと 記憶の奥 涙さえもきっと思い出に変てる日が来る<BR> <WBR><BR>your love<BR>いつかどこかで偶然に 逢えたならそのとこは笑えるように<BR>till I can forget your love<BR>いまはとてもせつないけど 乗り越えていける今は泣いていい</P>
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<DIV><FONT color=indigo>想試著擦掉眼淚的把臉埋在你的襯衫裡 只要我抬起頭來<BR>比任何人都還了解我的你 就再也不存在了<BR> <WBR><BR>Still I don't forget your love<BR>如果某一天在某一處偶然遇見你 那個時候我一定要用笑臉面對著你<BR>till I can forget your love<BR>現在雖然很傷心 但帶著迷惘的心情 一定可以跨越過去的 <BR> <WBR><BR>一直是兩個人推著小小的摩托車 一起走在回家的路上<BR>但今天在中途我說不用送我了 只要再抱我最後一次<BR> <WBR><BR>Still I don't forget your love<BR>如果某一天在某一處偶然遇見你 我也能夠再愛你一次<BR>till I can forget your love<BR>現在雖然很痛苦 但與你相識這件事 我不會後悔<BR> <WBR><BR>時光逝去 在記憶的深處 就算是流過眼淚的這段日子 也一定會變成回憶<BR> <WBR><BR>your love<BR>如果某一天在某一處偶然遇見你 那個時候我一定要用笑臉面對著你<BR>till I can forget your love<BR>現在雖然很傷心 但一定可以跨越過去的 所以就 哭吧</FONT></DIV>
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[ 本帖最后由 宵衣 于 2008-10-1 08:45 编辑 ]作者: 宵衣 时间: 2008-10-1 08:51
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<P>hear me cry</P>
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<P><FONT color=#008000 size=2>you couldn’t say<BR>needed someone new<BR>you actually thought<BR>deep inside i knew<BR>can you tell me how can you say<BR>why this should suffice<BR>you passed me by<BR>and your heart as cold as ice (you passed me by)<BR>did you see me cry (did you ask yourself why)<BR>did you see me cry (did you ask yourself how)<BR>can you hear me cry (did you ask yourself)<BR>will we ever grew apart<BR>you, you couldn’t say<BR>needed someone new<BR>and you actually thought<BR>deep inside i knew<BR>i wonder where we will go<BR>will we be the same (you passed me by)<BR>i laugh inside i think of you<BR>and the love we made (you passed me by)<BR>tell me why this should suffice<BR>i hold you through the night<BR>now will i let it go<BR>soon i’ll let it go<BR>can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself why)<BR>can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself how)<BR>can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself)<BR>will we ever grow apart<BR>you, i’ll stand by your side<BR>i’ll be there for you (you passed me by)<BR>you, i’ll stand by your side<BR>please just do me right (you passed me by)<BR>you, i’ll stand by your side<BR>i’ll be there for you</FONT><BR></P>
<P>想必大家都熟悉这首歌了。还是想要放上来。</P>作者: 宵衣 时间: 2008-10-1 08:59
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<P>要像stacie orrico那样洒脱。这才是重点。</P>
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<P>I've got it all but I feel so deprived<BR>I go up, I come down and I'm emptier inside<BR>Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing <BR>And why can't I let it go?<BR><BR>Chorus:<BR>There's gotta be more to life<BR>Than chasing down every temporary high<BR>To satisfy me<BR>'Cause the more that I'm<BR>Trippin out, thinking there must be more to life<BR>Well it's life but I'm sure<BR>There's gotta be more<BR>(Than wanting more)<BR><BR>I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly<BR>Here in this moment, I'm half way out the door<BR>Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing<BR><BR>Chorus<BR><BR>I'm wanting more<BR><BR>(I'm always)<BR>Waiting on something<BR>Other than this<BR>Why am i feeling like there's something I missed?<BR>(Something I missed) Yeah...<BR><BR>Chorus x2<BR><BR>More...to..life...<BR>More to...More to...life<BR>[attach]11690[/attach]</P>