There is a place that I voyage to 在我的旅程中有一个地方
Where the grass is green and the sky is blue 芳草如茵 晴空蔚蓝
There I have a friend 那里住著我的朋友
My closest friend 我最亲密的朋友
There are no walls or fences here 没有高墙 没有围栏
No sadness, hatred, death, or fear 没有悲伤 怨恨 死亡和恐惧
Oh, I love it here 我爱这个地方
Sweet breeze blowing in my face 只有微风轻吻著脸颊
No people here, no, not a trace 没有人群 没有喧嚣
Oh so beautiful, so beautiful 那麼美 那麼的美
Come Unicorn lay by my side 独角兽 来吧 倚偎在我身旁
And we'll sing sweet songs by the river side 让我们一起唱和 在河边
Where the water's pure, the water's pure 那里河水清澈 河水清澈
*They think I'm crazy 人们说我疯了
Because they don't understand 因为不了解
Why don't they leave me alone, leave me alone 就是不肯放过我 放过我
They seem to hate me
Because they can't understand 因为不了解
Why don't they leave me alone, leave me alone 为什麼不放过我 放过我
How I love the Unicorn, I love the Unicorn* 我最爱的独角兽
Unicorn I love you true 独角兽 我的挚爱
I can open up myself to you 我为你打开心扉
And you can understand, you understand 你能了解 你了解
People are so cruel to me 人世对我来说太冷酷了
If they weren't blind they just might see 如果他们愿意睁开眼睛 就会发现
That love is real, oh, love is real 爱是真实的 爱是真的
How I love the Unicorn, I love the Unicorn 我爱的独角兽 我最爱的独角兽兽
How I love the Unicorn, I love the Unicorn...
And the Unicorn loves me 爱我的独角 |