很清新的名字。主唱清新、单纯、可爱的鼻音和嗓音。这是个澳大利亚的组合frente,他们的音乐是木吉他民谣风格,创作出的是一种清新的音乐。 在他们歌里,我仿佛嗅到花香,大自然的气息,一种与世无争的慵懒。<BR>
<P align=left> 歌词令我感动。好像一首儿歌,一支童谣,又像一首简单的诗。mommy told me something...仿佛回到童年。还有devil,完全是童话的味道。grin,glee这些悦人的单词。 <BR><BR> 最重要的还是这句let the sun shine in。外面下着雨,最近的一切令我的心也是灰色的。多想open my heart and let the sun shine in啊。但愿终有一天,我的生活会充满阳光... </P><BR>
<P align=center>Mommy told me something 妈妈告诉过我一些 <BR>A little kid should know 小孩子应该了解的事情<BR>It's all about the devil 那都是关于一个恶魔 <BR>And I learned to hate him so 我非常憎恶他 <BR>She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room <BR>He'll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom <BR>妈妈说他会引起纷争 <BR>当你让他进到家门 <BR>当你的心灵充满忧郁黑暗时他从不曾离开<BR><BR>So let the sun shine in 所以,让明媚阳光照进来吧<BR>Face it with a grin 用最开怀的笑脸面对<BR>Smilers never lose 微笑的人赢到最后 <BR>And Frowners never win 愁眉苦脸者从不会胜利<BR>So let the sun shine in 所以,让明媚阳光照进来吧<BR>Face it with a grin 用最开怀的笑脸面对 <BR>Open up your heart and let the sun shine in 敞开心扉,让阳光照进来 </P>
<P align=center>When you are unhappy 当你不开心的时候 <BR>The devil wears a grin 恶魔就咧嘴偷笑 <BR>But oh he starts to run in When the light comes prowling in </P>
<P align=center>但是当光明渐渐到来时他开始逃跑了!<BR>I know he'll be unhappy <BR>Cause I'll never wear a frown </P>
<P align=center>我知道他一定很不开心 因为我从不困苦皱眉 </P>
<P align=center><BR>Maybe if we keep on smiling 也许当我们都笑口常开<BR>He'll get tired of hanging round 他就会疲于奔命<BR>If I forget to say my prayers 如果我忘记祷告 <BR>The devil jumps with glee 恶魔会狞笑着跳出来 <BR>But he feels so awful awful 但他会觉得非常痛苦 <BR>When he sees me on my knees 当他跪着看向我 <BR><BR><BR>So if you feel of trouble 所以,如果你感到困惑 <BR>And you never seem to move 似乎从未看到过进展 <BR>Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in </P>
<P align=center>你只需要敞开心扉,让阳光照进</P>
<P align=center><BR>Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin <BR>Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin <BR>Mommy told me someting <BR>A little kid should know <BR>It's all about the devil <BR>And i learned to hate him so <BR>If I forget to say my prayers <BR>The devil jumps with glee <BR>But he feels so awful awful <BR>When he sees me on my knees <BR>So if you feel of trouble <BR>And you never seem to move <BR>Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in <BR>? </P>
<P align=center> </P>